Hunnic Tribes, AE unit, Lord Yabghu, RARE

SOLD Western Turk Dynasties. Turk Yabghus in Tokharestan (mid 6th c. AD) AE unit Near VF. RARE References: Z-203922 (similar coin)

Western Turks, AE unit, Khalaj, Peroz-imitation with Siva reverse

SOLD Western Turks. Khalaj Æ unit, imitating Sasanian King Peroz I (438-457AD) 1.93 g, 22 – 23 mm Crowned bust

Central Asia, Silk Road, AE bracteate of Hunnic style

SOLD: unfortunately this particular coin has been sold. But you can check for the same type available in the relevant

Western Turks, BI drachm, Alkhan-Nezak Crossover, Type 232

SOLD: unfortunately this particular coin has been sold. But you can check for the same type available in the relevant

Hephthalites in Bactria, AR drachm, Unknown King

SOLD Hephthalites in Bactria. Unknown Hephthalite King (first half of 6th c. AD)   AR drachm 3.67 g OBVERSE: Crowned

Yabghu of Tokharestan, AR drachm, “Hormazd IV” imitation

SOLD: unfortunately this particular coin has been sold. But you can check for the same type available in the relevant

Hunnic Tribes, AE unit, Principality of Nakhsheb

SOLD Hunnic Tribes in South Sogdiana / Northern Tokharistan, tentatively attributed to Nakhsheb (mid 7th c. AD) AE unit 1.64

Hephthalites in Bactria, AR drachm, Tobazini / Goboziko, Type 32

SOLD: unfortunately this particular coin has been sold. But you can check for the same type available in the relevant

Western Turks, AR drachm, Tegin of Khorasan, Type 208

SOLD Turk Shahi Kings of Kabul and Gandhara. Tegin of Khorasan (end of VII c. AD)   AR drachm 2.64

Alchon Huns, AR drachm, Khingila, Type 70

SOLD: unfortunately this particular coin has been sold. But you can check for the same type available in the relevant

Western Turks, AR drachm, Spur Martan Shah, RRRR

Western Turk Dynasties. Turk Shahi Kings of Kabul and Gandhara. Spur Martan Shah (end of VII / first half of VIII

Western Turks, AR drachm, Spur Martan Shah, Type 211

SOLD Western Turk Dynasties. Turk Shahi Kings of Kabul and Gandhara. Spur Martan Shah (end of VII / first half

Central Asia / Khwarizm, AE drachm, “The Lord, the King Khosrow”, Kerder

SOLD Central Asia. Khwarizm. The Afrighid Dynasty (late 6th cent. AD – 995AD) Local coinage from Kerder district in the

Yabghu of Tokharestan, AR drachm, Khusru I-imitation w. swastika

SOLD Western Turk Dynasties. Turk Yabghus in Tokharestan (mid 6th – early 7th c. AD) AR drachm 3.75 g, 31 –

Alchon Huns, AV dinar, Adomano, Type 85

SOLD Alchon Huns. Adomano (5th cent. AD) AV dinar 7.12 g, 32 – 33.5 mm OBVERSE: King standing facing, sacrificing

Hunnic Tribes, AE unit, Principality of Nakhshab

SOLD Hunnic Tribes in South Sogdiana, tentatively attributed to Nakhsheb (mid 7th c. AD) AE unit Head facing slightly right

Central Asia, Silk Road, AE buckle/bracteate

A Central Asian AE (bronze) bracteate or buckle from the Silk Road region, likely dating to the early medieval period

Alchon Huns, BI drachm, anonymous ruler, Type 146

SOLD Alchon Huns. Anonymous Alkhan Ruler (end of 5 cent. AD) BI drachm 3.25 g, 21.76 – 24.10 mm Vondrovec Type

Western Turks, BI drachm, Later Nezak, Type 201

SOLD Western Turk Dynasties. Coin in the name of the Nezaks, but struck during the time of the Western Turks

Alchons/Hephthalites in Bactria, group of AE units, unpublished

Unknown Alchon or Hephtalite Ruler in Bactria (first half on V cent. AD) Group of eight AE uniface units with

Western Turks, AE unit, Peroz-imitation with countermark

SOLD Western Turks. Unknown Ruler AE unit, imitating Sasanian King Peroz I (438-457AD) 6.73 g, 30.85 – 32.46 mm Countermark

Hunnic Tribes, AE unit, Principality of Nakhshab

Hunnic Tribes in South Sogdiana, tentatively attributed to Nakhsheb (mid 7th c. AD) AE unit 1.75 g Head facing slightly

Hunnic Tribes, AE unit, North Tokharestan

Hunnic Tribes in North Tokharestan (mid 7th c. AD) AE unit 1.04 g VF. RARE References: Z-209760 (this coin) ♦Please, note

Western Turks, AR drachm, Tegin of Khorasan, Type 208

SOLD Turk Shahi Kings of Kabul and Gandhara. Tegin of Khorasan (end of VII c. AD)   AR drachm 2.61