YüehChi / Kushans, AE didrachm, Heliokles’ imitation
Central Asia / Silk Road, hunnic AE pendant in Byzantine style
Western Turks, BI drachm, Later Nezak, Type 200
Hunnic Tribes / Hephthalites, AE unit, unpublished
Western Turks, AE drachm, Sri Ranasrikari
Hunnic Clay Sealing. Hephthalites. 5th cent. AD
Central Asia, Silk Road, AE bracteate in Hunnic style
Hunnic Clay Sealing. Alkhan / Alchon Huns. 5th cent. AD
Amirs of Bust, AE broad fals, Takantash, Bust, 369AH
Abbasid Revolution, AE fals, anonymous, Balkh, 130AH
Iranian Huns, AE bracteate of Sasanian style
Central Asia / Silk Road, hunnic AE imitations of Byzantine style
Bactrian Greeks / Seleucids, AE unit, Seleukos & Antiochos
Great Mongols, BI jital, Möngke Khan, Taliqan
Hunnic Tribes, AR hemidrachm, Hephthalites in Tokharistan
Alchon Huns, AE unit, Anonymous Clan Ruler
Central Asia, Soghd, AE unit, Akhurpat King of Kesh
Central Asia, Soghd, AE unit, Ustrushana, Satachary
Bactrian Greeks / Seleucids, AR obol, Sophytos
Early Abbasid, PB seal, Badghis, 9th cent. AD
Early Abbasid, PB seal, Adhrat, 9th cent. AD
Sasanians, AR drachm, Narseh
Western Turks, AE ½ drachm, Later Nezak, Type 204
Bactrian Greeks, AE unit, Euthydemos I
Alchon Huns, AR drachm, temp. Khingila
Kabul Shahis, AR jitals, Samanta Deva, lot of 7 coins
Sasanians, AR drachm, Shapur II, Sakastan
Central Asia / Silk Road, hunnic AE pendant in Byzantine style
Central Asia, Soghd, AR unit, bust /archer
Central Asia, Silk Road, AR bracteate in Hunnic style
Ghaznavid, bilingual AR dirham, Mahmud, Lahore, 419AH
Kushano-Sasanians, AE drachm, Shapur Shahinshah
Alchon Huns, AR plated drachm, temp. Khingila
Central Asia, Soghd, AE unit, Akhurpat King of Kesh
BACTRIANUMIS - Ancient and Islamic Rare Coins & Antiques
Very warm welcome to BACTRIANUMIS – our online project providing a glimpse into fascinating world of Ancient and Islamic Rare Coins & Antiques!
We are a team of experts and connoisseurs of History and Archaeology of Central Asia, eager to share our passion for Oriental Numismatics and Antiquity.
Although our scope of interest and expertise is vast, this project is mainly focused on historical region of Bactria (also called Bactriana) – an ancient territory lying in the hart of Central Asia between the Mountains of the Hindu Kush and the Amu Darya (ancient Oxus River) in what is now part of present days Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Coins and antiques featured on our web-site are just a tiny bit of cultural and historical evidence of the region of Bactria, ranging from Achaemenian era, Alexander the Great conquest, Central Asian Hellenic kingdoms, Nomadic empires and confederations, up to Islamic period.
Among other historical regions covered by our project are ancient regions of Khorasan, Gandhara and Arachosia, bordering modern Pakistan and forming the entrance into India which has been used by Alexander the Great, the Great Mongols, the Mughals, and many other adventurers and explorers.
From commercial point of view we do believe that quality can be offered at a reasonable price and, hence, we do our outmost to bring satisfaction to the whole range of numismatists, beginners as well as the most sophisticated coin collectors.
We also view our project as a way to connect with like-minded personalities for whom Numismatics is not just a preferred “passe-temps”, but also is that uncontrollable urge to explore and learn History!
Yours sincerely, BACTRIANUMIS Team