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Central Asia, Soghd, AE unit, Akhurpat King of Kesh

Central Asia. Southern Soghd. Akhurpat King of Kesh (720s – 737AD) AE unit 1.85 g OBVERSE: bearded head right with

Central Asia, Soghd, AR unit, bust /archer

Central Asia. Soghd. Samarqand. Anonymous imitation of Antiochus issues (1 – 2 cent. AD) AR unit OBVERSE: bust left, Sogdian

Central Asia, Soghd, AE unit, Akhurpat King of Kesh

Central Asia. Southern Soghd. Akhurpat King of Kesh (720s – 737AD) AE unit 2.15 g, 18 – 19.5 mm OBVERSE: