Turk Shahi Kings of Kabul and Gandhara. Spur Martan Shah (end of VII / first half of VIII c. AD)
AR drachm
2.74 g, 32 – 32.5 mm
Mint ZWLSTN (for Zabulistan, an ancient region, the area of modern Ghazni, Central Afghanistan)
OBVERSE: bust in frontal view, bearded; wearing a crown with mural elements, a wing left and right, and a star on a crescent on top; a ribbon emerges from each shoulder. In the upper left field a Senmurv protome; a rosette on the king’s chest. Pahlavi legend: at 1h “spwl hwt’p” (Spur, the Lord), at 11h “GDH pzwt” (the Royal Glory has been increased). Outside Pahlavi legend: at 1h “PWN ŠM Y yzdt'”(in the name of God), at 3h “spwl bg hwt’p” (Spur, His Majesty, the Lord), at 6h “whm’n’c mrt’n” (Wahmānāz Martan), at 9h “MLKA” (King)
REVERSE: bust of Adur in frontal view with nimbus of flames. Brahmi legend at 11h “śri vāludevah” (His Perfection. King, the Lord). Pahlavi legent at 2h “pnc ZY z’wlst’n ([year] 15 – very unclear, maybe 50?, and “Zabulistan'”). Outside Pahlavi legend at 3h “splc m’nyzd’n” (Spur, “mān-yazdān” – a personal name or an epithet)
Vondrovec Type 216
VF, ex-pendant. RARE
Z-170689 (this coin)
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