Abbasid Revolution. Anonymous issue. Dated 130AH = AD 747/8
The Abbasid Revolution (746–750AD) was a major political upheaval that led to the overthrow of the Umayyad Caliphate and the establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate. The revolution was largely supported by Persian and Khorasani factions, with Balkh (modern-day northern Afghanistan) playing a crucial role as a major city in Khorasan, a stronghold of Abbasid support
By 130AH (747-748AD), the Abbasid forces under Abu Muslim had launched their rebellion against the Umayyads. During this period of transition, they began issuing anonymous bronze (AE) fals coins, which bore no caliph’s name but often featured Islamic inscriptions. These coins signified the Abbasid claim to power before the official declaration of their caliphate in 132AH (750AD)
AE fals (3.00 g)
Balkh mint
OBVERSE: “Muhammad Rasul Allah”, with date and mint name in the margin
REVERSE: Qur’an 42:23 in central area, with no marginal inscription
Near XF. Unusually heavy piece. RARE
Z-330448 (this coin) (similar coin sold)
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